Monday, April 29, 2013

Reasons Why You Should not Rely on Invalid Clicks

If you’re into making money online, then you’ve probably been introduced to Google AdSense, one of the easiest ways to make money online. But of course, you should know the basic fact that to make money online with AdSense; you will need to generate a good amount of traffic and quality.
But what do some people ask when introduced to Google AdSense?
Here are two of the questions asked by new AdSense users:
  1. “Can I make money online by clicking my own ads?”
  2. “Is making money online by clicking my own ads from different computers and IP addresses possible?”
Well, the answer to those questions is the same and it’s “no”. It only takes commons sense that a big company like Google is not so stupid to allow you to start making money online if you play around with their program. Though it may be true that many will try and do this and probably earn money from it for a few days, they won’t be able to continue doing so in a long term. If invalid clicking goes on, then sooner or later, Google will detect them, and once Google catches you, you won’t be able to make money with AdSense any time in the future. Why would you risk you Google AdSense account for a limited time of earning a little amount of money?
Click Fraud
Click Fraud
Here are some guidelines to avoid invalid clicks and AdSense bans:
Read their Terms and Conditions
Most applicants for AdSense will ignore this part because it will take a bit of time and, well, because they’re just too lazy to read a lengthy piece of document. But to ensure that you don’t make any mistakes while on your way to make money online with AdSense, you should read their terms and conditions before even applying.
Know what an Invalid Click is
According to Google, “Invalid click activity consists of any clicks or impressions that may artificially inflate an advertiser’s costs or a publisher’s earnings, and for which we decide not to charge the advertiser. This includes, but is not limited to, clicks or impressions generated by a publisher clicking on his own ads, a publisher encouraging clicks on his ads, automated clicking tools or traffic sources, robots, or other deceptive software.”
Read a bit, and it’s actually self-explanatory. You click your own ads – it’s an invalid click. You outright tell people to click on your ads – it’s an invalid click. Using bots to gain click-traffic – it’s an invalid click. Generally, invalid clicks are the things you’ll want to avoid if you’re really serious about making money online.

Know that Google Detects Invalid Clicks
Of course Google will want to protect their detection methods and systems, and will not disclose their tracking system. So to play safe, you shouldn’t “think” that Google detects invalid clicks, you should “know” that Google can actually detect invalid clicks. Of course, you can use banned accounts as proof.
To conclude on this topic, you shouldn’t risk your way of making money online for just a limited time of earning a bit of cash if you can make money in a safe, easy and consistent manner. Online work is still work, so you’ll have to use strategies, don’t rely on invalid clicks, rely on quality and real traffic. Money only comes after that. Be aware and earn money the legit way, good luck!

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